What are my rights

Me and my husband are hindus from Goa. Married in 2012. Our marriage was a love marriage but after getting married I found out that my husband is a compulsive lier. He lied to me about his higher education in a foreign country when in reality he didn't complete his term and splurged the money in casinos. Lost big amount in lakhs which the family paid and got him back to India. I found out that his degree is fake because I got a doubt that he is not putting that degree in his resume. Also my husband had taken a lot of loans from money lenders, friends, etc in lakhs without taking me in confidence. I found all of this after marriage when checked his mobile.Finally, I gave him a chance to change and took the financial management in my hands. Started savings and paying off. By 2016 we paid all loans. In 2017 Dec I again found he has lost 1.5 lakhs in online casino games which were paid from joint savings. I have realised that he has a disorder which is beyond change. Surprisingly after 6 months he himself told all of sudden that he is getting suffocated in this marriage as he can't compromise or adjust. He wants to live his life on his terms and do not want to save for future. He was rushing for it and that us because he is having an affair with this colleague. He is denying it and lying as usual. But there are many indicators. I also got to know that he got her home in my absence and I wasn't aware of this. I want a divorce from him now as I think there is no point in wasting time anymore. He agreed initially ,asked me to keep the jwellery and also transferred around 2 lakhs from joint savings( this is my money only as his part of joint savings goes in his financial Fiasco's periodically) and agreed to pay an amount till I remarry or find a job. buts mother taught him and now he is demanding the family jwellery back and not ready to pay any more alimony for mutual consent. He forced me to leave the Mumbai city where we were staying and asked to go back to my parents home. I feel I have lost everything in this marriage and have to start all over again. And I am not ready to give any jwellery back and also need alimony. What can I do