Transfer on regular basis

Dear sir, I am a scale 1 officer in a public sector bank my home town is Bangalore I joined as a clerical staff In 2008 and took promotion in 2014 but was posted 600kms away from my hometown and in the year 2015 I got an option to apply for request transfer to my home zone as the management decided to bifurcate zones into two so I got an option to go back to my home zone but was posted 70kms away but after completion of 10months I was again transferred in admin grounds to another branch in the city again after 1 year I was again posted as a branch manager 150kms away to a rural place in mandya and after completion of 3months I was again transferrd to another branch which is the headquarter of that place Called Mysore. And again after 8 months I got transferred out of the zone in Tamil nadu which is 700kms away from my hometown. These regular transfers are affecting my health and my family what can I do in this circumstance as I m being regularly targeted and victimized, please give me a legal way to get justice.