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Co-operative society matter

We are a member of transport co-operative society having strength 860/1495 in the society in Himachal.As per bye laws no 5(iv) of society we are entitled 50% of transportation work(cement & clinker from J.P. Cement Plant), i.e. 50% for 860 member and 50% for 635 member in 2010.Accordingly society gives permission to purchase truck to both groups.But few member interfere in work distribution and we complained to Assistant Registrar (co-op) for inquiry in matter and concluded that there is discrimination in distribution.So we approach D.C. Solan as an arbitrator and he ordered for 50:50 distribution.Two member out of 635 objected the decision in High Court Shimla and on the basis of natural justice matter remanded back to RegIstrar, co-op soc(RCS) H.P. In the mean(on 19/05/2011) time few member out of 635 file an application before RCS that amendment in bye laws done in 19/07/2009 with their fake and forge signatures in 80:20 ratio changed to 50:50 after gap of two year. During this RCS Shimla ordered work to be distributed in 40:60 ratio on 20/07/2011. Again these two member file petition 4964/2011 in High Court Shimla.The principal DB of High Court Shimla give them Interim Relief on 01/07/2011 and changed the ratio to 30:70. They again file cwp 5055/11,5093/11,9404/11,216/12 and 420/2012 and on our side we file 5663/2011 and 11248/2011. Then RCS Shimla give his decision on complain and validated the amendment in bye laws.They again file petition 4277/2013 and matter remanded back to RCS and RCS again validated Bye laws.They again file petition 7357/2013 and matter remanded back to Chief Secy (cooperation) and CS again validated bye laws on 08/08/2014. Thay again file cwp 6738/2014 to object CS decision and matter is pending before Spl DB. During last four year as we we are getting less transportation work we are not in position to pay our monthly installment of our truck and about 810 families facing hardship due to delayed decision. So please guide us that what we should done so that bye laws of society restored and we can get our legitimate share of 50%.