Mentally disturbed by a girl

Hello, excellencies I am a 27-year-old boy, and a girl of same age. We have a relationship for the last two years, and I also wasted my precious te with her but for a few months there is a kind of conflict between us. The background of girl is such a bad, that she had a illicit relationship with her brother, & she also sleep with him & I have an evidence (whatsapp chatting). when I got the truth and talk to her regarding this , at that time she obey all things those I told her. but now her behavior is not right to me, she ignoring me, and not attending my call. Or sms Earlier she attracts me by giving several nude, sensuous,fascinating , ravishing images, , I put all those are safe and secure., I have not shared anywhere. A number of times I told her all of things I told you to your parents in details but she threatening to telling me about women's rights. Right now, she has got a job and she threatens me to file an FIR. I am belonging to dalit society and she is general category. I want to expose her before her family, it's only my motto nothing else. I'm totally disturbed, and mentally unstable Try to understand..... Please give me your advise or suggestions.