Advice on a maintainence claim from wife

My wife had ran away from home and she had demanded a claim of maintenance that I earn 50k and she claims 15k per month on false accusion of cruelty dowry and mental harassment she is a hr executive and since she didn't got Job in mumbai she ran away to home and joined her previous company back on my first visit to court the opposite party does not want to fight and waste time and claimed 7 lakhs and then reduced it to 5 lakhs but we had one more hearing and final settlement was made of 3.51 lakhs and exchange of each other items the girls side and lawyer are so cheap that they want even the greeting card given on my birthday back I am still worried about mutual consent divorce since we have not yet been separated for a year it's only 6 months and if I give them money now can they again put any accusitions and file any case further for harassment or maintenance after divorce too Also I require advice on terms and condition to put on divorce deed settlement as my lawyer is not that effective