Land and Road query

Sir, We are 30 families staying from more than last 20 years and have left 8ft land space infront of our houses.The land opposite to our houses is still unused and the owner has not made any construction out there. Several times he used to come with mandal office staffs(circle office) and measure our land and his again and and again when we all male members remains at our office and ladt week when he visited our place he verbally promised to leave 4ft land for road (thus 12 ft road as 8ft left by us and 4 ft by him) but he gave pegs/pillar in presence of mandal office staffs(circle office) only after the 8ft of land space left by use giving a pretext that once he completes the measurement of land he will leave the space as promised (4ft) but now he has served a notice from saying that land measurement even our lands will be measured inpresence of circle office staffs.Now we fear that he might get the land measured and demarcate his property and wont leave any space for us for constructing the road.On contrary he may also try to prove his ownership on few feets of our land as there is a nexus between him and circle office staffs.Also even if he doesnt do this then there is every possobilty that he wont leave any land for construction of road so our land will also wont be of any use in lack of road as 8ft road will be too narrow (8ft including drain) so he absence of road we will be deprived of emergency facilities like fire bridgade,ambulance etc.Is there any way to.stop this measurement of land as per the served notice? is there any law that will make sure that constructionof minimum width of road is necessary. can the circle officer staffs or the land owner of my opposite side deny giving land for road whereas in our lane the width of road is 16ft but for the last 20-30 families we have been suffering with this problem,please help us out