Can i file an fir against my employee in the below situation and what are the consequences?

Reasons given by the company to terminate him from his duties : 1. You have started taking uninformed leaves from start of the job without any application. 2. Your request to work from home in this Ramzan month is not accepted by the board members of the company as it breaches the confidentiality and security of the project 3. Incompletion of the work and wasting of valuable time of the company due to your uninfomed leaves. 4. Your request to give you off on saturdays is not acceptable by the board members as it is against the agreement. Also asking for payment for saturdays was not acceptable by the company .For the company Saturday is a working day. 5.Even after not permitting, against the agreement, you have taken off on every saturdays from the day of joining. This has delayed the company's projects by 10-12 days. After all this the employee has given warnings to the board of members about filing an fir and has behaved disrespectfully with the board asking for documents on the same day