Contested divorce

I have been married for 17 years and had 2 kids ( 17 Male / 12 F) in 2016 Aug I filed for the divorce as her constant nagging and suspicious behaviour has reached to max. I left the house In March2016 and since then not gone back. He was attention seeking behavior lady since beginning, I just managed and cooped it for long and maybe that's what made her more demanding and even more suspicious. I had good career in corporate but because of her constant suspicion I had to change job every 2 years. Initially when I filled for divorce in Aug 2016 I realized that all other than me are on her side. Even my mother and siblings are supporting her. I had been taking care of all the expenses and other expenses till date. Nothing seems to be moving in court and everytime we get dates and another date. Now after almost 1.5 years in litigation she has filled for maintenance... Knowing that I have been taking Care of expenses, she is one who will never agree to divorce and I tried my best. What should do please advise,.