Information before file a divorce

Dear sir. i have married on Dec 2016. i stay with my wife in Delhi. I am doing job in a Pvt. Company and my wife is working in a government bank as a clerk. I have a baby girl of 8 month. I am alone in my family having old age parents. They are living in my home town Allahabad. In my family, all decsions taken by my wife and her mom and her elder sister. She don't care of me and my old parents. I have a flat in Lucknow with my name. I want divorce pls clear my following questions. 1) if she go in court for maintenance how much se can claim.? & she is doing job and having salary 20k 2) if she go for dirvoce , how much she can claim on my house property in which my name is involved. i have flat ,that own by me on my name only. & cuurenlty i have house loan of 10 lack & i am paying 11k EMI . so how can save my property form her? 3) how i can get my child from her, if she refused to give my child then how much maintenance she can claim from me for a child. 4) May I file the divorce in my home town where my permanent house. Ne and my wife both are living in Delhi. please help me to answer