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Attempt to defame & terminate from my work place by wife and fmly

Respected Lawyers, I'm married one and half year back, and we lived together only two days. I'm 35 years old & 6 years difference there b/w us. The matrimonial disputes started on the first day itself because I'm wearing wig. I did not suppress this to her and her family before marriage. This was the main allegation in her complaint to Police to register a case 498a. A case has been registered against me with all false allegation made by her and family against me. I did not take any dowry in the form of money or gold. In the FIR it self stated that all ornaments are with her as suggested by husband. Now I got an anticipatory bail, and legal trials are going on in the Family court for MC. Also on the same time they are seeking my salary details from my employer and frequently sending letters to my work place with many dirty allegations to defame and mentally harass there and attempts to terminate from my job currently I have. During mediation at family court they demanded more than 1 core as compensation to settle the case (35 lakhs to withdraw 498A + 35 lakhs for maintainance and another 30 lakhs to all financial liabiltiy through this marriage ). I have openly told I'm not ready to compensate anything until court orders it. Their main intention is to extort huge sum in all possible way to lead a happy life there and to start new business for her jobless brothers. So I kindly requesting to advice me how can I aggressively defend my self from this insult, harassment and torture from my opposite party and what are next possible legal steps to tackle this? Many thanks in advance