legality of school managing committee

Sir,in formation of a new smc the parents of a school have selected 12 members out of which 6 are male and 6 female members.after seven days the election of president of ancient conducted out of two president contestants each got 6 votes and declared tie for which the procedure of dharmagola obtained without any written consent of contestants,wherein one contestant declared elected.on the versatile some members came to know that out of 12 members one member is neither mother nor legal guardian of one studying student,so the selected members filed their representation regarding illegal committee formation to the local education authority and some parents guardian sent legal notice to the block education officer and district education officer.but the block education officer forcing to the headmaster to start function with the illegal committee president instead of reform a new this juncture what step is need to be taken.your valuable opinion is most essential.kindly reply as soon as possible. My email is [deleted]