Solution for Demarcation

My father has a land, after his sudden demise we were planning to build a house in our property. Before setting wall to the boundary I called each and every party from the 4sides of my property to come and check when my surveyor would come and measure the land and if oppose is there we would work on it by calling other surveyor. Everybody party came except for one side. Whenever I used to call him to set a date for setting pillar to my boundary he used to say u can’t put a pillar without our permission. I called the surveyor many times but he doesn’t used to come and threatened us of filing a case. Months passed by, we waited but no reply from him, atlast I took my surveyor and personally have set temporary pillar. He rang to me and threatened to remove the pillar or else he would file and FIR. Now what to do? I told to go for demarcation but he said he don’t have time. I went for demarcation they said atleast 2party required for requesting demarcation. Now I am in a hanging garden.. what shall I do?