Divorce and trying to file false case of DV and dowry and 498a

I recently married 3 months back..last 15 days it was all fine after that she begin to abuse my mother and my sister who is married ....since than we have given her stridhan and everything yet she keeps abusing my mother and me and my sister and her husband with bad words over phone speaking to her mother and her inlaws ...I recorded all the evidence audio clips where my wife and in laws are planning to kill my mother and me and steal the jewellary of my mom and her by giving it to her inlaws....and she says me she loves me but she is also planning to have baby with me and take away the baby after birth and will seek revenge on me after one year such intention she have which I came to know after hearing the clip since than I stopped having physical relation with her but she mentally harass me and emotionally torture me and force me to have physical relation to full fill her cruel intention and she keep abusing me and my mother and my sister over the phone when she talks to her mother sister and sister in law and dad....I m getting mentally harassed and they are planning to harass me and my family and my sister and her inlaws filing false case of 498a, dowry case and domestic violence case against us which I came to know through the audio recording and I have evidence of that....Can i file a case against her and inlaws of planning to murder my mom and me and stealing ornaments of my mom and mentally harressing and planning to seek revenge having kid and take away with such cruel intention and file a divorce? ...what are grounds to prevent my family and me from harassment of police if they file false case? What precautions shall I take to prevent against false case?