Question related to gifted agricultural land.

It is a pretty long query and sorry for taking much of your time on behalf of my friend. To start with my friend purchased an agricultural land consisting of 1 acre and 39 guntas in the year 2004. This property was sold by a lady through a registered sale deed in sira sub registrar office in which the lady, her husband and all the kids have signed with their photographs affixed. The seller got this property in this way:- 26 guntas was gifted to her by her dad in 1999, 26 guntas was sold to her by her sister through a valid sale deed in 1999 and this was also the gifted property from her dad, and another 26 guntas was sold to her by her one more sister through a valid sale deed in 1999 who also had received this as gifted property from her dad and all this equalled 1 acre 39 guntas. The property gifted by dad was his self acquired property. The seller's dad has in turn distributed his property amongst his sons also. One son who is the brother of the seller happens to have property immediately next to my friend's land. The problem here is the brother of the seller is threatening my friend to sell my friend's property to him to a rate which is very very less compared to what is prevailing there. He is also threatening my friend that he will file a case that his father did not divide the property in the right way. Will the case hold good either legally or through Islamic sharia. My friend is looking for solutions. Will my friend gifting this land to his wife help in any way