Regarding divorce and domestic violence

I am married in the year 2005..I am a house wife and I have two boy child of age 11 yrs and 4 yrs. It is a love marriage so my husband and family doesn't like me from the first day of marriage and started abusing me and illtreating me.. They once even locked me inside the house and physically hurt me.. I went to police they convinced us both and send us .. Then I bared all their tortures for the sake of my kids. Then we settled in UAE for 3 years. He forced me to go for a vacation to my parents home.then he took mine and kids passports to Dubai with him lying that he needs it for visa renewal.. He daily called me and was speaking nicely to me and my kids and whenever I ask about passports he says he will bring it next week.. After some days I received a divorce petetion from him for mental cruelty. I didn't expect that and it was a mere shock for me and we left abandoned in India as my livelihood was in Dubai.. After a long battle he returned our passports by cancelling only my visa and kids visa are still valid.. Now he says he don't have the intention of giving divorce and he did that only for his safety as he is living with another woman in Dubai.. He is simply dragging divorce case by not attending hearings regularly and he says he won't attend 2 hearings and attend only the third.. Even I asked him for mutual divorce as I became both physically and mentally weak and couldn't concentrate on kids but he is not accepting for that also.. What I will do now.. Everyone says laws support women but in my case Ian suffering with two children and he influencing everywhere with money and I even couldn't afford lawyer