Food security

Context: I'm concerned about the usage of fertile lands and for real estate development by the government. AP CRDA is pooling land of around 30000 acres fertile land which can yield around 50000 tonnes of paddy. The pooled land is very fertile and located on the banks of krishna river. The pooled land is solely used for construction and new urban development, which can also lead to pollution of the nearby fertile lands. I would like to stop destruction of centuries old fertile land for urban development. The other barren lands are available for the same use then why to use the fertile land which is very important for the future generations. Question: Is it possible to stop this misuse of the natural resource (which is always a property of future generations irrespective of current ownership)? If we don't stop this, a significant deficit may raise in agriculture produce due to the conversion of nearby fertile land. Is it possible to minimize the conversion through legal means?