Employer delaying clearance of dues

Hi, I was working with a Pvt. Ltd. Company from April 20, 2017 till December 4, 2017. The Director of the company was out of the country from 20 July to September 4. During this period, I had been taking care of company expenses, and in April i was employed at a salary of 45,000 during my probation and upon completion of probation it was increased to 50,000. So for the month of September my salary paid was 30,000 and same was done for October, In November, I had a personal family tragedy for which I was paid the month salary advance and some extra dues were paid off, a total of 65,000 was paid, in addition to all of this I incurred a company expense of 63,760. In November I took 10 days of unpaid leaves, with all calculation the company owes me 75,760 pending clearance. Upon asking for it, the employer raised query saying there was a lack in my leadership and that because of me the company has some money stuck with customer, whereas those customer sales were not processed or initiated by me it was done by the previous manager who was a family cousin of the Director of the company, he resigned in June and had his all dues completely cleared. I out of frustration and upon non clearance of dues resigned on the 4th of December, and since then they haven't paid me my dues and just revolving the talks and blaming it on me, and the director saying it to me that if you don't generate revenue why should I pay you, and something like this was no where mentioned in the offer letter, now it has been a great trouble for me, I am living in a rented place and I had not been able to pay my rent and living in sub standard condition feeding on tea and eggs for more than a fort night. I handed over the credentials I had over the email and in person in writing to the office, and I am now stuck because I have no money to carry out my living in an outside state. Please advise me what can be done.