LLP and Proprietorship company rules for Job termination.

I have been working with a Properitorship company (5months)then the owner has a another company for which I requested for transfer and that one is LLP(5months). So in total I worked with this organisation for 10months during which the first 6mnths was under probation so any leaves taken would be unpaid and then post six months they said performance is low so additional 3months probation post which there was no emails or communication regarding my probation taken off so looking at the leave policy of 22leaves only 2 were paid which was in the ninth month which made me believe I was out of probation. Now when annual leaves are left and the company has given a deadline that post December all leaves will collapse and can't encash it. I applied for leaves for my sister's marriage and the company thought it's better to chuck me out rather than paying me and with the reason as under probation and performance. With that no incentives for the work and no leave encashment. They promise to pay me for the days I worked. I tried reading rules of LLP companies and no labour rule shows up. As TDs is not there anymore but still the company doesn't deduct PF and with both the companies the total team strength is upto 25. Now is there anything I can do to get my leave encashed and pending dues? Also the company policy doesn't state releiving rules or exit formalities.