Money Recovery from my Ex

I gave money to my Ex as he said, he is struggling in life and needs money for his business and to pay off some of his loans. So, i gave him couple of lakhs in the beginning .. everytime he said, he would return it back in a month or two or so ... but never paid back .... after couple of months, he said he is doing a new project and asked me to invest money in it and become a partner in his business. along with already given money , i gave him few more lakhs hoping his project will go fine and his business will grow so, he will be out of his bad financial situations. Totally it is finally 12L now. in the meantime, he and his wife were very nice to me so, i shared my personal family issues with my husband too with him. As he was my first love and he spoke very nice nd supporting now too ..i also spoke to him personal stuffs too ... The project and business he said is not going good. he is not ready to share any kind of official details about the project too with me. I lost the trust and hopes on him on business and in personal relationship too. when i am asking him to pay back the money now. he is blackmailing me with the personal conversations and phone calls we had. I want to recover my money. I am ready to face any issues that he creates in my personal life with those messages but, i want to know if those message and personal conversations can be used as legal proofs to escape from paying money. he may not reveal those private messages as it will affect his family life too. My guess is, he is just threatening me so, i dont proceed legally. Thank You.