My father is passing down my grand father Business to his sibling

My Grand father has a business which is related to farming and housing boar pipes/engines. My grandfather worked in that business for 15 years, After my father finished his studies he joined his dad worked together for 5 years. they got dealer ships when he was there. My grandfather written a,, 3 sons name on it, after my grand father died my dad took over he did business by himself and paid his brother and sister studies , marriage , setting hospital for other one helped in starting similar kind of business. one brother who is doing business work with my father for 4 years and got separated from dad(my dad help to start). Full assert in my dads hand but he managed account since after my grandfather died and all spending everything. he used to handle rent give to them. Few years later after he got confidence on them he split all the assert reasonable. he gave all my grand father propertied except the business. when he split assert he didn't calculated their education cost, wedding cost , starting business/hospital. Though he is brother to them he became father to them did every thing. What ever father written on their names also he gave it to them, not only that my dad double their asserts( bought extra assert with their partner ship on business though they are not investing any money on business). Now at the age of 65, my dad wanted his brother son( he is working with his father) to be in partner ship with my dad after my father pass down he wanted to pass it to him. My dad has 3 daughters he doesn't want any of us to take that business 2 reason (1. wanted to keep in same family name, 2. he got many blames that he was unfair when he split). He manage all accounts very well. Invited Charter accountant to check how are those accounts. We know my dad very well he never enjoyed anything always dad business is god for him, even being in that business for 40 years never changed his dad chair too. he pray that chair and sits on it. he has lot of values and rule. He is perfect elder brother and father. my uncles telling that they will prepare commercial terms, they are not letting us hire any CA to check how commercial terms goes. we don't know how to proceed with out hurting our uncles. we dont have knowledge on passing down stuff. how much partner ship numbers and after overtake (how my dad payed with out investment because they are partner in written)we want ask partnership amount. whom to contact how does it work?please help