Mental harrassment and dowry

Me and my bf had 3 and half year relationship. When he asked his parents to marry me his parents met me and after that one year they torchured me by 1.You have spectacles what if your child will get that too.2. You have crooked teeth.3 You are from Lucknow side people are not good there.4.Do you have any hidden illness.5.You have private job you have to leave this.These things they asked over a year and once they approached my parents and immediately wanted to get married I had left my job and had started preparing for civil service exam so my parents told after she finish her studies we will.But after that they never tried to contact us.I thought they are ready for marriage and just not disturbing me.In meanwhile me and my bf got intimate too physically.I thought they are ok with marriage.after 3-4 months his behaviour became abusive to me always tried to realise that I am nothing and I have problems and when my parents approached his parents for marriage they insulted them and indirectly asked for 15-20 lakh amount.They cancelled my marriage.And he stopped talking without giving me single reason.what should I do now.what are the laws for my interest and the justice to me.i feel totally harrassed .