Controversy found in my case FIR

In the absence of us on 28/04/2012 in Coimbatore our house maid and her husband burgled 15 sovereigns of gold ornaments and cash of Rs.25,000/- by way of broken the front door and the steel lockers in my house. We made complaint and the FIR prepared by the local area Police immediately. We handed over both of them to the police and they made enquiry for a couple of days with them. And the third day they recorded the video graphic confession statement from both of them. Before the video session we feel the higher official recovered all the burgled properties from them. And after completing all their Police formalities (getting daily signature from the maid husband for a month of time) with the two of them and they released them freely with a comment of they are not accused they are innocents. After the several follow ups by us to the particular Police station and the several visits to the Coimbatore Commissioner Office they simply and repeatedly answered we are tracing your case. By fortunately, I visited to the Tamilnadu Police website on 02/01/2014 particularly to the CCTNS website and found my FIR 361/2012 status shown as “Case Detected”. Immediately I took the print out and I sent a proper RPAD letter on 20/01/2014 enclosing the said status of the FIR to The Commissioner of Police, Coimbatore, The Assistant Commissioner of Police Coimbatore East Zone and the Police Inspector of the concern area and I asked them to hand over my recovered properties in a proper manner. But till the date I have not received any kind of response from their end. After the silent of above said Police Officials, I made a case against the relevant officials in the Madras High court submitting the proof of case status as “Case Detected”. And the Honorable judge ordered them on 02/07/2014 to file a final report within the three months period of time. But till the date there is no any response from their end. Please advise me how should I act in future? And what are the necessary steps I have to take to recover my stolen properties?