Married in India, Planning for divorce in US

I got married in July 2017 (yes,very recently). It was against my will to get married but was convinced by parents(status, respect etc). I knew the guy for 8-9months before marriage but never spoke to him or discussed anything because i was forced and was not interested. I thought i will adjust maybe after marriage and things will be fine. After marriage i was constantly trying to know more about my husband before i started to get physical. But my parents did not understand that and forced me to have sex and so did husband. I was physically too weak to stand up for myself and faced trauma. Been in depression since then. Now i decided to face it and end it all for once. Convincing my husband to give me divorce but he doesnt want to. He says marital rape is legal in india and you cannot ask for support or win the case. I have my health reports stating i was in depression. My parents are also not supporting me because they have to face the society. I also gave my husband another chance but our ideologies dont match. Too late to say all this, but my situation to agree for marriage had various reasons. Now i do not want to face trauma for the rest of my life. Husband said worse things about parents and myself. I want to end this. Both of us are separated in US and are on H1B. Is it possible to get a divorce without mutual consent in Texas state?