Pressured by grantee into signing over his property

We just found out that my uncle gifted his house to his brother-in-law in an irrevocable form. A few weeks after my uncle was told he had cancer his brother-in-law suggested that he Will his house to him so the government wouldn't take it. I truly believe ever since my uncle found out about his Cancer, his brother-in-law stuck to him like glue just long enough to make himself executor of his property and money. My uncle's health began to get worse, he suffer a heart attack he was left partially paralyzed and required a wheelchair and now he has cancer. After the heart attack my uncle's siblings took him into their home because my uncle wanted to recover at home and not in a nursing home where his brother-in-law wanted to place him,. His siblings inquire with the brother-in-law about my uncle's financial and medical insurance status he said that my uncle had given him Power of Attorney over his financial and medical arraignments after finding out he had cancer. For a year the brother-in-law gave my uncle's siblings $150 a month to care for my uncle, take him to his Dr appts. and for food. It has been getting difficult to care for my uncle, he needs an in home provider, nursing care and transportation to and from the Dr's appt. My uncle's siblings are also elderly (between 65 & 78 years old) one has dementia, two have cancer, one is totally paralyzed, and the last one has sever arthritis, this is why its getting more difficult for them to care for my uncle.. So about 4 weeks ago the siblings asked me if I could inquire about getting Home Health care for him, we contacted a home health agency which had nursing care set up for my uncle, But we needed to submit proof of his household income and spendings. We asked his brother-in-law for needed forms of proof, till now he has replied to our request. My uncle receives around $1,400 per month from his SS, he said he had 20K in his safety deposit box, but sadly he only had 5K plus his wife's jewelry. He has no money in his savings nor his checking either. My uncle is depressed and asking for his home back, he said he never wanted to give his house away. I believe he was pressure during a vulnerable time when he had just found out about his cancer. I googled the "gifted warranty deed" and realized its a joint tenancy with right of survivorship. Is there anything that can be done?