Marriage Nullty.

Hello sir.... I got married on this year 24th April.The marriage held frocefully at Gaziabad up. This is intercaste marriage .... am rajpoot he is pandit. we are dating each other from 1year..but before some month of marriages I relized we are not good for eachothers.I always told we don't think about the future...we are good friends only. Then I start maintaing distance with him.But he get started emotinally bkackmail to me. Every time he started drama n all bcoz of that I got dipressed.I haven't told to anyone.i start taking depression pills ......thats by I can't controle myself also.Before marriage I lost my elder brother also. that thing also to painful for me n my family also. I dont want to tell what happen with me to my family also..bcoz suffered huge pain of my brother death. I haven't any controle on any think ......I was totally thinkless.....I can't controle the stitution...I get court marriage. I I killed myself bcoz I don't want marry with him and I can't survive with him.. Then he relized his mistake and told me cancelled this marriage. But he want 5 lakhs from me. Pls help me I want void this marriage