Last 2 months Salary not Paid

Hello, I joined a software company on 21 March 2017. I was never paid salary on time for the month of March, April, May & June. During Aug they called me and said we would not want to work with you (giving some wired reason) and told me that they would like to terminate my contract and asked me to resign When I asked about salary they mentioned in writing that July salary will be paid by 31 Aug and Aug salary will be paid by 31 Oct. But nothing has been paid yet. They have also sent me relieving letter falsely stating that all the dues have been cleared, which is not the case. I have been constantly following up but they only say that we are closely looking into it Can I: Sent an email to all their customers and current employees stating they are fraud and how they hold back salaries and exploit employees? Sought help from labour law and put them to justice? Put reviews on social media? Write email to USA (Labour Department) to make them aware about the fraud practice? Will any of the above action backfire me. Thank You