Grandmother property legal heir clarification

Hi Property purchased by grandfather in the name of grandmother Very old case of late 1950s Both grandparents are deceased before 2005 leaving 2 sons and 2 grand daughters all married before 2005 Grandmother wrote a batwaranama in a notarised document now not clearly readable - contents were part of the property in the name of the two sons and part of the property on her own name Now will the SC judgement of 2005 of father / mother to be alive before 2005 for daughters to have equal rights be applicable here ? The khasara does not have anybody name e.g. Father / uncle or two aunts neither does it have grand parents nAme since the entire area including our dwelling was on one single name and people had made diversions and updated their name on the khasara but we had not made any diversion and updated the name. So what is to be done here ? Documents registration are very old and almost unreadable - how to go about getting renewed all documents since even khasara does not have father / uncles / grandmothers name ? Property tax is being paid by father and uncle only as their name are updated in the same and they are in the possession of the property since the beginning. Do the aunts still have a right ?