Time duration : wants divorce husband is not appearing

My question is to enquire about how much time will the High Court grant divorce to wife if her husband is not even appearing in trials/at the hearings.My sister-in-law got married in 2011 & in 2013 she filed the case in Haridwar court that got dismissed this September 2017 on the grounds that why had she filed case after 2 years. Actually the case is when she got married, she was asked for dowry and domestic fights followed also husband never took her along with him where he lived. He lives in Berlin while asked her to stay in village with family although before marriage it was settled that the girl will go with him . Their are other family issues which I am not writing here one example she was forced to sign a fake certificate in village in which she is mentioned as husband's elder brother wife , which she fought and did'nt do...and now he is even not ready to divorce , never appears to hearings never replies to court summons ...my family don't even know his correct address where he lives in Berlin, he provided the wrong address at the time of marriage. All we have is his village address where his brothers & mom lives. All these years he never came to meet her or our family. Now will she gets divorce in high court under the circumstances & in how much time.