Is it possible to appoint receiver for an partitioned property

Dear sir, We have some ancestral houses(around 8) in the city from our great grandfather. The property is still unpartitioned. Some of uncles and cousins are having physical possession of some house, some are sharing same house. Few of them have rebuilt the house in their possession. However every one agrees that property is disputed and objects any construction by others, time to time and according to affordability. While everybody claims that they are holding lesser share, the fact is the parties which are having greater portion in possession do not want to co-operate for partition and want to avoid it. Some of them getting good rental income as well. Is it possible to declare all the property disputed and appoint a government receiver to collect all the rental income from all the properties? And the income be distributed to the stakeholders, only after the final partition judgement. Can an interim direction and public notice given by court to bar any selling/renting transaction on the propert? If possible, normally how long it takes practically to get such an arrangement from legal court? I think this is the only way to persuade all parties to expedite the partition process. Please suggest how to take up the issue for faster solution. Thanks Sanjay