Ex owes me money

Hi, I was in a relationship with a guy. I barely knew him from college. Till it was long distance, it was all ok. Then I moved in with him as we wanted to get married. That is when he started hitting me. First he will start arguing about something, I will keep trying to not getting into an argument but he will corner me and take it to a level and will hit me. After a few hours he would either say sorry or will put the entire blame on me. It kept on going for quite some time. I also spent a lot of money in furnishing the house we lived in. My mother had already met him and didn't know about the violence. Then his sister came to meet us and mental torture superseded physical one. I finally told my family what happens and they immediately came to get me out of it. While getting out, I just wanted to save myself as he is really difficult to reason with. Since then I am following up with him for some money I had transferred to him and the stuff that I had bought for the house. He keeps repeating whatever I say. I say you owe me lakhs, he says no you owe me lakhs. When he barged into the place I had moved in after leaving him, I said I will call police, he said I will call police. It's ridiculous but it's a lot of money he owes me. I have proofs for the money transactions between his bank and mine and some proofs for the stuff he kept with him like TV, bed, etc. What should I do? To clarify- we were in a live in, unmarried.