Land or flat acquisition?

The land is my grandfathers father land. Its ancestral land, my grandfather had two wives. the first wife had one daughter and three sons and the second wife has one son and a daughter.its a slate roof after my grandfather died, my father his first brother and second wife brother build the house with a loan of two floors. Most to all of the money came from my father and his own brother and for loan sanction we took signatures of second brother and everyone. My father and his brother has put their whole life savings for the house. After a while daughter of the first wife wanted her share so we sort decided to pay her through a loan and son of the second wife wants his share. what can be done to it. we told him to stay together but he is past that and wants a room.what share can we give to them as they none to anything contributed in building the house. we told him to wait until the loan is paid full which will take almost 10 years. and the land is registered on my great grand fathers name.