What action(s) can be taken against maintenance defaulters

I am a flat owner in a apartment township in Hyderabad that is very recently built and we already have a registered society. Right now we are facing problem with with flat owners who have not paid maintenance for many months (6 - 9 months) despite repeated public notices. We have dues amounting to 40+ lac from these flat owners. The water supply that we have (Manjira water) is metered subscription based paid service which is funded from maintenance. Non payment of dues to the will result in supply being stopped to the entire township. I understand that the law prevents a society from cutting off basics like water, but in this case considering that the water supply is being funded from maintenance which is not being paid by these flat owners, can the society cut water to these flats to reduce the dues to the water company. Does the society and rest of paying flat owners have an obligation to fund the continued water supply these defaulters at our own expense? What is the fastest and best legal way to recover dues from the defaulters?