Payment for notice period

Dear Sir/Madam, My brother recently signed an employment contract with a start-up and commenced work. Within 2 months, they told him that they were not happy with his performance and they believed he was not taking any initiatives on his own. He is not in sales, so there were no performance targets and his title was "Project Executive". There was also no feedback given to him on his performance previously. They gave him the option to resign, if he didn't resign they said they would terminate him for non-performance. They also said they will waive the notice period. Now, in the employment a notice period of 2 months (by either side) was specified. He went back to them saying he is happy to resign but he would want to have a notice period of 2 months so he can look for another job. They said no to a notice period. He reminded him, that under the contract, even if they terminate him, they are still liable to give him a notice period of 2 months. His manager told him, "termination for cause" allows them to terminate him without having to give a notice period of 2 months. I want to know what are his options. The wording with regards to notice period is very loose, and not very clear. It precisely says the following: "Notice period for resignation or termination is two (2) month, or two month's total compensation in lieu thereof at the sole discretion of the Company. The Company may, at its absolute discretion, waive the notice period that is required to be given by you." The words "thereof at the sole discretion of the Company" is misleading and we are not sure if that allows them to get away without having to pay him his notice period. If they decide terminate him, can we take them to court? Or is the clause or phrase above very clear and it absolves them from having to actually give a notice period for termination. Please advise.