Filing 498 (eight years in hell) - justice required

I have completed 8 years of marriage, with no child. It was love come arranged marriage. My In-laws never liked me from the starting. But initial years of marriage, my husband used to support me. My husband is very aggressive and dangerous person. He often changes his jobs because of his aggressive nature. We have aborted a child in the first year of marriage because my husband had lost the job and my in-laws throw us out of the home. Till five years I stayed with my in-laws and sister-in-law. In these five years, my in-laws and sister-in-law always created chaos between me and my husband. Since last two years, my husband also started torturing me and harassing me a lot. We both stayed in a different city because of the job. Before 6 months my husband along with my in-laws have vacant the entire flat and made me homeless. I did FIR and took the complaint back because I wanted my original documents and credentials. Till these 6 months, I tried to convince my husband to come back to the city and we will start living as we were living, but he always played my emotions. So finally I did FIR again. But now he is telling that you come to my parent's place as my job is there and you leave your job and stay at home. My in-laws had never made us live peacefully when we stayed there. So I can't take the risk of leaving my job and again give them chance to torture and harass me. I want to launch 498 against my in-laws and husband. But now they are playing a drama of taking me back to home and to make me jobless. My advocate told me that I can't file 498 or DV CASE now as they are ready to take me home. Also, he told me that now my case is weak as I had already complaint twice and it's too late to do anything as 6 months are already wasted. I am really depressed by all this. I have spent 8 years in hell and now I DONT HAVE ANY OPTION TO PUNISH THOSE PEOPLE. Please suggest me some option to FILE a case of 498 or DV. I am staying at Gujarat currently. But very soon I will be resettling at Maharashtra as my parents are staying there. So can I file a case from Maharashtra? Please help me for this?????I will be really thankful.