Can we buy this property?

Respected Advocates, Greetings from Andhra Pradesh. My cousin is selling his land with a small room that he brought 5 years ago from a lady, who was the sole owner of that property. After he bought this, he came to know that the seller (lady) had family disputes where her father in law is trying to grab the property by creating unnecessary litigations stating he bought this property in her (sellers) name. Recently in 2016 August, the district court has concluded that this father in law has no financial capability to buy a property and this is not a valid benami transaction, hence the seller was the sole owner at the time of the sale. After the verdict in Sep 2016, my cousin tried to convince the grabber who is holding the possession of that room and it lead to heated arguments and my cousin lost his temper and punched this grabber in his face. He went to police and lodged a case as attempt to murder. In the meantime, this grabber lodged an appeal in the same district and is pending trial. 1. He needs money for his daughter's marriage and wants me to buy it, can we buy it? 2. The initial suit which was quashed in Aug 2016 had a interim injunction order to it. Does the latest appeal in Sep 2016 invoke that injunction too? 3. If we forcefully evict the grabber from this room, and take the possession by muscle power without any bloodshed, can he still claim rights? as we have all the legal sale deeds and mutation in our favor? 4. Does lis pendens still applicable in this context? where the initial judgment concluded that he has no capacity to buy nor has legal rights over the property? Thank you in advance,