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Ancestral property...

Dear sir, I have an ancestral property in the state of Andhra Pradesh which consist of farm lands, residential houses & a small business which is registered in the name of my father. My mother expired long back when I was small & then later my father got married for the second time but has no children with her. Now, recently my father got expired & my stepmother starting fighting for her share in the above said property but this was not taken to the court neither by her & nor by me but instead this was settled in the Gram Panchayat meetings held in the village itself. The Sarpanch & the village elders decided & asked me to give her :- 1. Rs. 5,00,000 (which my father had kept in the bank as fixed deposit on his own name) 2. Our small business. & 3. One of the house for her to stay. The above decisions were noted down on a normal regular white paper with no revenue stamps or any legal stamps on it but they all did signed on it. So at present, as per the panchayat's decision my stepmother stays separately in the house allotted to her & enjoys the interest on the above amount of Rs. 5,00,000 & the said small business is under her control. Now I am planning to transfer all the above property in the name of my son but my stepmother is not ready to cooperate. Hence kindly guide if whether:- 1. I can transfer all the property in the name of my son without my stepmother's consent? 2.Can she object for it even after the settlement done by the gram panchayat? & Kindly also let me know that whether the Panchayat's decision carry any importance or value concerned to the court or law? Thank you!!!