cancellation of gift deed of an illiterate possible

Greetings My mom is illiterate.She has problems related to bones.she was bedridden in 2012 and after long treatment she can now stand on her feet now.In 2012 she has given a small plot to my uncles daughter without my consent. but as she was unable to walk she did not go with them to verify the plot.and as she is not educated they have taken more land than what they verbally said to my mom.I am the only daughter and legal heir of the property. Now my mom wants to fence and transfer remaining property in my name. We came to know that by using gifted plot as an access ,my uncles family members are constantly trespassing on our property. My mom tried to negotiate with them but just because I am a girl child and my uncle has sons, they are giving immense pressure on my mom to transfer all the property in their name. My mom's every attempt fails against their narrow minded attitude towards girls specially me. Now my mom curse the day when she had gifted the plot to them. My questions are Under this circumstances Is it possible by any means that the gifted plot can be returned by cancelling gift deed by donor???