Consequence of my action.

My husband has filed a divorce case against me and since he never explained why he has done so (he has been creptic about the whole thing - he left his job three months of us getting married, left his job in bangalore and sneaked back to his parents place in Dehradun without ever informing me, I am working in Delhi and since we had no source of income, I continued my job, in the meanwhile he said he is starting something of his own, he was not working for more than a year and half but rarely visited me, while forcing me to come to his parents place every weekend, since every weekend was not possible for me I tried to make it every other weekend. Whenever I could not, he insulted me and even went as far as to impeach me for having an affair, which when I confronted with was ignored by him and his parents as rage words. In the meanwhile he started threatning me with divorce and second marriage. He texted me a couple of times saying he cannot wait any more as his girfriend wants to get married asap, when I tried discussing with his parents they refuted the whole thing saying it is just a spat and none of this is true. In the meanwhile everytime I visited home there was always a new drama waiting from him). Finally he filed a divorce case against me claiming that I have deserted him. This case was filed at the end of 2014 in Rishikesh family court and he filed it at Rishikesh, which is where he is from. I fought this case until now but I do not want to drag it any further, I had lost my respect for him a long time ago and I am not waiting for any reconciliation. I want to wrap up this case as soon as possible as I am fighting depression and this situation is not helping much. He or family has not spent a single penny on me infact I and my mother have given money to his parents on various occasions, I have no hopes of getting that money back, let alone annulment. He is a guy with big ego, no common sense, misplaced trust issues and a big inferiority complex that I believe has brought us where we are. I recently got to know through a family friend of ours that he has secretly remarried and living with her. I have asked my lawyer to wrap up this case but he is advising against it, I want to know that if I ask my lawyer to abandon the case and myself not go on trial dates, what will be the consequences for me in future. I am working in private sector. Please advise me what will be the right way to go, I appreciate and regard your thoughts and guidance the most.