Property dividing among children and mother

Sir's I'm from a Muslim family,we are 4 sons 3 daughters,and mother. Father died 10 years ago, 20 cents land transfered to mother's name, 8-9 years back my youngest brothers faked our 3 brothers signature, took a loan didn't pay any instalment, so it become 3 lakh something,bank send notices they will auction the property,all brothers told I don't want I don't have money, finally I paid the loan 3 lakh cheque,15 thousand cash, nobody given written, but my 3 sisters and mother relesed their share to me.6 years back. now my brothers want their share,i paid the whole loan, I'm the elder son in my family my 20 years complete earning I spent for them, I told them it's about to auction I saved the family prestige, it's mine only I'm owner.I told him you want your share okay you share 3 sisters marriage expenses (food, function, gold ornaments cash etc) today's valuation Rupees 80 lakh,4 brothers divide 20 lakh each, 20 years all your expenses I bore that's free, one brother ready to Reese his share to me, pending 2 brothers one runaway drawn loan, another one want to divide, I did everything I paid the whole loan, if they file in court, what's results (verdict) That time for Rs.3.15 I can buy 3 acres land in year 2011 outer city I think I'm looser. please give some idea suggestions. Thank you.