I am the landlord and tenant not vacating

I have a house in New delhi, my grand father had given the groundfloor on rent. After grandfathers death the property cam to my father and 3 brothers through will. My tenant has also died and she was an unmarried lady who died at age of 85years. Now after her death a girl aged 32 years old has tresspassed my groundfloor with and adoption deed dated 1999 and is claiming to be my tenants adopted daughter. She has now made a recent passport of my address with parents name stating something else and adhaar card stating my tenants name. Both the documents (passport and adhaar) are made after my tenants death. And now she is claiming in the court that she should not be thrown out of the house as she is legal heir and falsely claiming that she is staying here since she was adopted ie. 1999 which is a lie as i have never seen her nor i was informed about the adoption by my tenant. There was no legal agreement done by my grandfather and tenant. She used to give rent and we use to issue rent reciept. Please advise me the best way.