Threatnening from girl friend family

I was in a love relationship with a girl from other state during last 3 years. Our communications are only through phone. The relationship was very up & down , that sometimes I was planning to leave or she was planning to leave. In august 2016 I have visited her place & we had taken photos & she replied she wants to do higher studies & not give any confirmation regarding the relation. Her mother knows about us and her mother suddenly start forcing her daughter to continue with this relationship. I was not confortable with this kind of forcing from her & I told her mother that I will move on. She also agreed she will see another boy for her girl & told me to move on. Now three months before she started threatening me that her daughter still likes me & asking me to marry her. I clearly told I was not interested in this relation. But she started saying she will complaint to police, or madhar sangam & she will show the proof our photos, love chat, sexual chat(which was mutual). I have never touched the girl physically. And also meet her only one. Is the police complaint will affect me? And am also in MNC, wether it will a problem if they came to know about police case & all? Pease guide