Guidance on money to be taken for education from divorced parent

Greetings! I'm Sonali Sali, from Mumbai. I completed my Integrated Master of Technology in Biotechnology in 2015. I wish to pursue a Ph.D. in the future. I've applied for a Visiting Scholar position at Harvard-MIT's HST. I'm happy to tell you that I've received an invitation letter from a professor there, to conduct short term research in his lab, opening numerous doors for a good PhD after it. Considering the tuition fees, registration fees and lab equipment fees shall be paid by the professor (as mentioned in the invitation letter), I'm supposed to pay my living expenses only. There are no fellowships for a year or less to support an Indian student (not currently enrolled in Masters or PhD) for the current academic year, in the field of biomedical research as a visiting scholar for short term. The last option I have is to self-fund my living expenses. I'm writing to you for some legal advise for the fund arrangement that I'm managing. I'll be needing around 15 Lakhs for 9 months of stay in MA, USA. Background: My parents got divorced when I was 4 years old after a 4 year long court case, after which my father is married now for the 3rd time. I came in contact with him in my 19th year and I have a fairly good relation with him, with consent from my mother. I've requested him for some financial help to which he said he can help with 5 Lakhs. (I'm hoping to manage rest of the money from my immediate uncle) Although he mentioned that just for paper work's sake and to not have any IT problems he will give me the money as an Interest free loan. However, I'm wondering if this might create any problem for me in the future. I won;t have any proof of his word that he is gifting me the money. Also, if in the event of his demise the money can be claimed from me by any of his other family members (For instance is wife, sister or father. He has no other child). I ask you to kindly guide me on whether I should accept the money as interest free loan (just for IT problems avoidance purpose as he says) or ask him to give me the money as a gift? What complications can this create for me in the future? Or whether to even accept it or not? If not, I will have to drop the plan of Harvard. I really don't want to lose this opportunity and truly aim to pursue a Ph.D. in biomedical sciences. I'll be at your disposal for any details required. I hope you will help me. Thanking you.