Mental Harassment by Husband and In-Laws

Hello, I am a 31 year old working woman living in Bangalore. I have been married to my husband for over a year now since January 2016. My husband works in the Offshore industry and is out of the country half the year. His rota is such that he works every alternate month away in Angola, Africa and comes back to India the following month. His schedule is 28 days working in his unit in Angola and 5-6 days travel back to India followed by a strict 3 week time in India (very rarely due to visa issues he has to stay an extra week in India so then it becomes 4 week, but this is very rare). My in-laws are in Mysore and he is their adopted son. He was adopted by my MIL in her first marriage and later she got divorced and married his new father (though he is not legally adopted by him on paper I believe). I am a corporate working woman and have been working for the last 9 years. Having known this lifestyle I got married to him being love. We had talked before marriage about how we will continue to live in Bangalore while he goes to work in Africa. When he is back in India out of the 3 weeks that he is in India he goes to Mysore for close to 1.5 weeks or more sometimes. We have been fighting about his length of stay in Mysore since as a couple we hardly get any time. I have no issues that he visits his parents frequently since I understand that he is an adopted child and his mother and he share a special bond. But the issue here is that his stay in mysore is always very lengthy. Anyway, I came to terms with even that knowing that our parents dont live too long and it is important he can and should spend whatever time he wants to in Mysore since his heart and soul belong there due to him being born and brought up there. Recently we started counseling on my insistence as our fights were becoming very nasty and I was being ill treated by my in laws (mentally via phone calls, conversations that he had with them which he relays to me, incidents wherein I was put down by my in laws and made to feel very shallow and unworthy of him). They tried to break me by being offensive and calling me words that hurts (not abuses but things like 'you are a fabricator, you are mad, you are an idiot, you are trying to keep our son away from us and so on). He did not utter a word when this happened and I was made to feel like a lowly character. He has now decided to remain in Mysore and is not coming to be with me at all and his words resemble his parents now. He says things like 'you will have to move to mysore, it is going to be this way only, and so on. He is bullying and forcing me to move to Mysore without my consent and will. The point is that I would have moved to Mysore if the below mentioned had worked out; 1. If my husband was with me all throughout the year, which is not the case. 2. If I had career options in Mysore, which is not the case since I handle Marketing Management and Communications and such a profile is only in Corporate headquarters which are mostly Tier-1 cities. If any such vacancy or profile were to arrive for me and I would see career growth, I would willingly move there. 3. If my In-Laws were cordial and treated me with respect. 4. If I believed that my career span was over and it was time to retire. 5. If I had friends, family or relatives or a life that I am accustomed to in Bangalore were to be provided in Mysore. Can the law help me fight my case. I love my husband but this sudden transition of him wanting me to shift which will have a 360 degree impact on my life is killing me on the inside. I never expected him to change into this monster that he has become. I would like to be married to him but if this harassment continues I am willing to close this chapter for mere peace of mind and acknowledging that I chose the wrong person and wrong family. They have no understanding or concern for my career aspirations. Please help how I can solve this. I am maintaining my stance of not shifting while he threatens to move me against my will. Please help,