Surgery Fee

Dear All, My daughter was under Vasan Dental Care Hospital, Cochin from October 2012. When the treatment started they told me after the first stage of treatment my daughter need a surgery for the lower jaw correction for that they will arrange some hospital in Eranakulam. When the first stage of treatment has completed in Octobet/November 2013, doctor has told me we can go for the surgery. Being my daughter was studying in Plus Two I suggested to conduct the Surgery after the Final Exam and Entrance Exam. During this time Vasan Manager has told me we will be doing the Surgery In Silverline Hospital and the expences will be around one Lakh including the Surgery fee for Vasan. Once the Exams are over I informed Vasan for arranging for the Surgery and they could not found any hospital till June and I was giving pressure to them due to my daughter needsome rest after the operation and before her new course starts. Finally Vasan told me if I am ready to do the operation in Thrissur they can arrange it there. I agreed because I have to do it. I have cleared all the bills including Surgen fee of Vasan. Now the second stage of treatment has started, then Vasan is telling me to pay their Surgery fee of Rs 25,000.00 and I refused to pay because Vasan could not found ant hospital in Eranakulam and regular visiting of Thrissur I am spending travel expenses also. Later I informed them I will pay some money and consider my travel expenses, based on that I have paid Rs 5,000.00 and send a requisition mail for considering my travel expenses. I have not received any reply from them. Yesterday when my appointment was there the manager refused my daughter to see the doctor and informed they will treat my daughter only after paying the Surgery fee in full. In this regards, can you please help me how can I get a justice. Regards, Sudesh K.P