Child Custody of 2 year old Girl

Hi, I have been divorced on Mutual consent and i have two year old daughter from the Marriage. I have been given visitation rights currently on Sundays to meet my daughter between 10 AM to 5 PM based on Joint Memo signed by both of us during child case separately filed . I didn't had any issues with the above arrangement until recently its been found out that the child is living with grand mother at different city in their native whereas mother lives in Bangalore after remarriage to a person having two children from his previous marriage(Its found out from my Ex Wife friend and her re marriage has been confirmed by herself ).All these days i was recieving my daughter from my Ex-Wife's father , now when i insisted that my daughter need to live with her mother i have been verbally abused and even my visitation right has been denied. As of now i dont know the arrangement of my Ex-wife's husband's children . Hence would like to know can i ask for custody based on remarriage to a person having children from previous marraige and neglegince?