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help required as my wife harrasing through false complaints

U wife filed a complaint of dowery and dv act case against me. As it is only 37 days she lived in my house. And we never asked for any thng as our mariiage is also very simple without dowery with 15 persons of barat. Now she and her family is continusly blackmailing me for money through legal proceedings. She wrote the name of my relatives also in the complaint as police is saying either give money to her and compro the matter else they will file the fir against me and my relatives, sitsters and her inlaws. As my wife and her family is doing a biznezz of fraud with common people, this is basic reasn for our distance. Wen i askd them to stop they did the above thing with me. They r doing the bizness of fake towr placement, freindship clubs and more. For that they are using fake account with the name of some other person and addrrss. I want to knw that can police file FIR against my sisters or her in laws or against my relatives. And also i want to knw how to complaint about their bizness which they r doing as i have only account no. Please help me or guide me.