False fir lodged against me under IPC 420,406,120b

(The case is registered under jurisdiction of Sikar, Rajasthan) Complainant lodged a false case against me under section IPC 420,406,120b, complainant indulged my father's name unnecessarily, who is innocent and doesn't even know about the matter properly. complainant mentioned some bank transactions from October 2014 and February 2015, these transactions are not even done by complainant's account. Further complainant accused me to take rupees 350000 in cash in month of January 2016 at his town, where as that time i was not even in the town, complainant used some false witnesses where i don't know any of the false witnesses. prima facy, no transactions have been done from complainant's account, complainant is giving reference of the known person whose account the money is transferred, complainant accuse me of taking amount for MBBS admissions, where as complainant doesn't have any evidence of giving such document in relation with. 1.here my important question is when amount got transferred in my account from a third person but not the complainant, can i be liable for this amount by complainant 2.complainant falsely alleging me of taking 350000 cash in month of january 2016, in front of some false witnesses and complainant is claiming my father was also with me at the time i took the amount, i was not even in that town for entire month of January, how can i prove that nether me nor my father was not there at place that day? 3.I received a notice from police station under Crpc section 91, which i replied with takin action against the complainant under IPC section 182. 4. as the amount not transferred from complainant's account, i replied for notice that complainant has no locus standi for commencement of this prosecution.