Y P Jadeja

Y P Jadeja

Advocate, Rajkot
1 Consultation

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Fluent in Hindi, English, Gujarati
About Advocate Y P Jadeja

I am dealing civil cases, consumer complain, negotiable cases, etc. More than 12 years.

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Practice Areas
Civil Law
Name change, Legal notice, Civil cases, Civil disputes, Customs/Excise/FEMA, Motor accident, Defamation, Summary suit, Insurance, Other civil matters
Family Law
Marriage, Divorce, Alimony and maintenance, Domestic violence, 498a
Property Law
Rights of sons/daughters/wife, Legal heir, Legal heirship certificate, Buying property, Selling property, Partition of property, Tenant/landlord/eviction, Sale agreement, Sale deed, Gift deed, Deed of family settlement, Succession certificate, Succession of property, Power of attorney, Wills and trusts
Consumer Law
Consumer forum, Consumer protection, Other consumer issues
  • Gujarat High Court

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