Suvarna Nage

Suvarna Nage

Advocate, Pune, mumbai
18 Answers
3 Consultations

4.5 on 5.0

Fluent in Hindi, Kannada, English, Marathi
About Advocate Suvarna Nage

Having more that 5 years of experience in litigation and handled 50+ matters. Experience in family matters such as divorce, maintenace, DV, etc. Having sound knowledge of RERA and consumer mater's, cooperative matters. Also hand in other civil matters and various agreements and notice etc.

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Practice Areas
Family Law
Marriage, Divorce, Alimony and maintenance, Judicial separation, Domestic violence, 498a, Child custody, Restitution of conjugal rights
Civil Law
Name change, Legal notice, Civil cases, Loans, Recovery of money, Defamation
Criminal Law
Cheque bounce, Fraud/Default, Bail/Anticipatory Bail
Consumer Law
Consumer forum, Consumer protection, Other consumer issues
  • Bombay High Court

Recent cases handled
Type of case
1 Aug 2017
Family Law
All matrimonial related matters, Divorce case, Domestic Violence Case, etc
maximum success in divorce, settlements in restitution. Rest are pending.
1 Apr 2017
Criminal Law
Sec 138 of ni act anticipatory bails
Bails are successful, in 138 warrant issued against accuse. Rest pending.
Suvarna Nage's recent answers
Office location
Shivaji nagar pune
Pune, mumbai 411005
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