Nagarathna R

Nagarathna R

Advocate, Bangalore

Not rated

Fluent in Hindi, Kannada, English, Telugu, Marathi
About Advocate Nagarathna R

I am a practicing advocate from past 19 years mainly on Child rights in all the arena, Women Rights, Labour rights, Criminal Law, Consumers Right, Civil Law, Property and other right based issues. Originally from Bangalore but Practiced in all South Indian States both in Urban and Rural. I am also a resource person on many Laws and Acts and provided the same to many groups, Institutions and Organisations.

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Practice Areas
Family Law
Marriage, Divorce, Alimony and maintenance, Restitution of conjugal rights, Judicial separation, Domestic violence, 498a, Child custody, Annulment of marriage, Muslim law, Other family matters
Property Law
Rights of sons/daughters/wife, Legal heir, Legal heirship certificate, Buying property, Selling property, Partition of property, Tenant/landlord/eviction, Neighbour issues, Sale agreement, Sale deed, Gift deed, Relinquishment deed, Deed of family settlement, Succession certificate, Succession of property, Power of attorney, Wills and trusts, Other property matters
Criminal Law
Cheque bounce, Fraud/Default, Forgery/Cheating, Breach of trust, FIR, Bail/Anticipatory Bail, Police action, Trespass, Other criminal matters
Civil Law
Name change, Passport issues, Date of birth issues, Legal notice, Civil cases, Civil disputes, Banking, Recovery of money, Motor accident, Medical negligence, Defamation, Right to information, Summary suit, Insurance, Other civil matters
Employment, Leave, Salary and pension, Termination, Relieving letter, Disciplinary proceedings, Other labour issues
Constitutional Law
Fundamental rights, Writ petitions, Public interest litigation, Other issues
Consumer Law
Consumer forum, Consumer protection, Other consumer issues
  • Hyderabad High Court

  • Karnataka High Court

  • Karnataka High Court (Dharwad Bench)

  • Karnataka High Court (Gulbarga Bench)

Recent cases handled
Type of case
1 Oct 2012
Criminal Law
The Charges were murder and disappearing of evidences on the accused to whom i represent . Eye witnesses and all the materialevidences were brought before the court
Acquitted on 16/11/2017
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